samedi 23 février 2013

Anxiété sociale : Docummentaire I Think They Think

Quelques citations intéressantes que j'ai pris en note. Bien sûr, il y en a d'autres et je vous invite à écouter le documentaire !

"Social phobia is a fear of social interaction. Which can be a fear that you are going to do or say something embarrassing or a fear that you are going to look anxious. But the underlying fear is really that somebody is going to think something bad of you. Or what we call the "fear of negative evaluation", that people are doing to think that your a bit strange that maybe they don't like you. That somehow people are going to disapprove of you or not like you."

"A useful way to view social anxiety is to view it on a spectrum. At one end of the spectrum is normal anxiety, the desire that we all have to be like and respected and approved by people. Then we have shyness [la timidité], which is a degree up from that, where people are socially more anxious in more situation in more situation, and hesitant to take initiative in social situation. Then if we increase the level of social anxiety we get to social phobia [phobie sociale]. Social phobia is where the anxiety have become so severe that is actually cause discomfort or cause the person to avoid certain social situation. And it's phobic, it's out of proportion to what most people would experience in those situation."

"for people with social phobia the main behavior is avoidance...They will try at all cost to avoid it"
"it's like a terror and you have to avoid it, and the way to it is to run away from the situation
"if people do manage to go to the social situation to get involve in it then they may use what we call "subtle avoidance" so they may hide in a corner or may be careful to who exactly they talk to or what exactly they say. That can be a usefull technique your learning, but it can also be a form of avoidance."

 "probably the most popular treatments would be what we call cognitive/behiavioral tretements, they focus on helping people think more realistically in situations (cognitive) and the most important component is that cognitive/behavioral treatment focus on getting people to face the situation they fear to get back in the situation they are concern about and by doing it to teach them people are probably not evaluating them negatively (people probably don't think I'm crazy or stupid or whatever) and even if they do... so what."

Puis, le documentaire aborde différentes techniques appliqués aux thérapies cognitives et comportementales :

1. Self-Monitoring [9:45]

La première étape est celle qui consiste à se rendre compte des situations qui nous mettent anxieux. Une bonne façon de s'y prendre est d'utiliser un tableau qui permettent de noter nos inquiétudes qui reviennent le plus souvent.

2. Réalistic Thinking [13:35]

La deuxième étape est celle qui consiste à remettre en question nos peurs et nos inquiétudes qui sont souvent irréalistes (ce que l'on appelle les distorsions cognitives). Cette remise en question se fait par ce que l'on appelle la restructuration cognitive, soit la remise en question de nos pensées anxiogènes. Le documentaire contient d’ailleurs un bon exemple de cette technique!

3. Graded exposure [26:25]

L'exposition gradué consiste à faire face aux situations qui nous rendent anxieux en commençant de la plus facile vers la plus difficile. De cette manière, l'on arrive à s'exposer (à sortir de sa zone de confort) de manière progressive en prenant de l'assurance entre chaque expositions réussies.  Il faut le faire de façon régulière et rester dans la situations anxiogène jusqu'à temps que notre anxiété diminue.

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